Question : Is Penalty under Section 271E is permissible in the absence of regular assessment framed against the assessee by the Revenue? ITAT – Ahmedabad in the case of Vijayaben G Zalavadia, … vs The Jt. Cit, Gandhinagar on 11 May, 2022. Answer: Penalty Quashed.
Section 69: NO ADDITION CAN BE MADE ONLY ON THE BASIS OF INFORMATION RECEIVED When affidavit is filed and statement on oath is submitted by the assessee unless proved otherwise. ITAT- Mumbai. Shri Mohan Thakur, Mumbai vs A.C.I.T. Cent. Cir. 8(4), Mumbai on 24 May, 2021. https://www.bpmundraca.com/it-cases-242-2021/
The question in the present case is as to whether the information received from the investigation wing/search team would constitute ‘reason to believe’ empowering the Assessing Officer to reopen the assessment u/s 147/148. Answer is given by ITAT Ahmedabad on 12/11/2020 in the case of Hitesh Ashok Vaswani Vs DCIT. https://www.bpmundraca.com/it-cases-240-2021/
If the assessee for bona fide reasons was unable to bring materials on record to factually prove its claim before the departmental authorities and comes forward to file additional evidences before the Tribunal to prove such fact, the assessee should not be prevented from doing so. It is in the interest of natural justice and fairplay to allow assessee to establish its claim Income Tax Appellate Tribunal – Mumbai in the case of Fab Trade Private Limited, Mumbai vs Ito, Ward 15(1)(2), on 8 March, 2021.
When CIT can pass order u/s 263 by holding that the order passed by the AO is erroneous and prejudicial to the interest of the Revenue? ITAT KOLKATA passed the order on 6th Jan 2021 in the case of RUNGTA MINES LTD. vs. PCIT?
क्या होगा जब कोई चैरिटेबल ऑर्गनाइजेशन को 148 का नोटिस इस आधार पर मिलता है कि करदाता धारा 11 और 12 की छूट का अधिकारी 12AA मिलने के पहले के एसेसमेंट ईयर के लिए नहीं है? Nov 26, 2020 को ITAT BANGALORE ने second proviso to sec.12A(2) का हवाला देकर ऑर्डर पास किया है KARNATAKA STATE STUDENTS WELFARE FUND vs ITO.
Section 11 आई टी ए टी विशाखापट्टनम ने 21 सितंबर 2020 को फैसला देते हुए कहा कि जब करदाता ने सारी डिटेल और एविडेंस आयकर अधिकारी को दे दिए और आयकर अधिकारी ने कोई चेक नहीं किया। उसी डिटेल और एविडेंस की अगर कमिश्नर अपील जांच करता है तो रूल 46A कि कोई अवेहलना नहीं होती। करदाता की अपील स्वीकार की गई और माना गया की करदाता धारा 11 में छूट पाने का अधिकारी है KANDULA LAKSHUMMA MEMOIAL EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY & ANR. Vs. DCIT. ITAT VISHAKAPATNAM AY 2013-14. In Favour of Assessee.
Section 144 r.w. Section 145(3): ITAT JAIPUR on Jun 19, 2020 held that Even if the books f accounts rejected by invoking provisions of Section 145(3) due doubt on genuineness of the purchases, the A.O. is bound to frame the assessment on best assessment as per provisions of Section 144 r.w. Section 145(3). Therefore, after rejection of books of account, the A.O. is required to estimate the income of the assessee on some reasonable and proper basis. Once the past year results have attained finality and not in dispute, the same can form the basis for estimating the GP rate for the current year. KEDIA EXPORTS PVT. LTD. & ANR. vs. ACIT. AY 2009-10, 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15 Decision in favour of Assessee
Section 14A envisages that there has to be an actual receipt of exempt income during the relevant previous year for purpose of making any disallowance u/s 14A, Section 2(22)(e) do not apply when transactions are trading business transactions and The provisions of section 50C cannot be incorporated in the computation of block of the assets. DCIT vs. FUTURZ NEXT SERVICES (PRIVATE) LIMITED. AY 2013-14
If the Notice u/s 143(2) issued by Income tax Officer was having no Jurisdiction at the time of issue of the notice then this is not a valid notice as it suffers from an inherent lacuna affecting his / its jurisdiction. It is not a curable defect u/s 292BB. The consequent order passed u/s 143(3) dated 29.12.2017 was legally unsustainable and therefore is null in the eyes of law and therefore quashed. ITO vs Mr.P N Krishnamurthy ITAT Bangalore on 27 April, 2020.