File DIR-3 (KYC) on or before 31st August,2018
It is mandatorily required for every director who has been allotted or under approval of DIN on or before 31st March 2018 shall file form DIR-3 KYC on or before 31st August,2018. The requirement is with the aims to abreast MCA to have Unique Personal Mobile Number and Personal Email ID of director to be verified with One Time Password(OTP).
Kindly note that this form is required to be filed by the Director using his own DSC alongwith duly certified by a practicing professional (CA/CS/CMA).
Kindly note that Disqualified Directors are also mandatorily required to File DIR-3 KYC.
Consequence of not filing DIR-3 (KYC) is that MCA21 System will mark DIN as ‘Deactivated’.